February 17, 2014

Spring Cleaning

 I know it isn't officially Spring yet but here, in Arizona it's "Spring Like" nearly all winter.


   Anyway, enough boasting.

   Today I bit the bullet and finally dug into our accumulation of slabs on the slab shelf.

   Putting them through the soak and sorting them out.

  On our Desert Rock hunting trips we often find interesting looking rocks that we think might make interesting looking cabs.

 But alas, we are often wrong. 

Sometimes we cut a few more slabs just in case there might be something better a little farther and find some "keepers" ...

   After 3 years of  doing this we end up with a lot of  slabs that don't "make the cut" (pun intended) for jewelry, but can be used for craft projects like decorative stepping stones or siding on a bird house. 

So they aren't entirely useless.

   Now just to find them a home!